
2021/03/21 深度学习 共 24378 字,约 70 分钟


  1. What’s the machine learning?
  2. What’s the k-n-n algorithm?
  3. What’s the regression?
  4. What’s the loss function and why it is the key for our machine learning task?
  5. What’s the Gradient Descent?

Step1: Load Data & Data Analysis

from sklearn.datasets import load_boston
dataset = load_boston()
??dataset   #对dataset本身不清楚可以使用??或者help
Help on Bunch in module sklearn.utils object:

class Bunch(builtins.dict)
 |  Bunch(**kwargs)
 |  Container object exposing keys as attributes
 |  Bunch objects are sometimes used as an output for functions and methods.
 |  They extend dictionaries by enabling values to be accessed by key,
 |  `bunch["value_key"]`, or by an attribute, `bunch.value_key`.
 |  Examples
 |  --------
 |  >>> b = Bunch(a=1, b=2)
 |  >>> b['b']
 |  2
 |  >>> b.b
 |  2
 |  >>> b.a = 3
 |  >>> b['a']
 |  3
 |  >>> b.c = 6
 |  >>> b['c']
 |  6
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      Bunch
 |      builtins.dict
 |      builtins.object
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __dir__(self)
 |      Default dir() implementation.
 |  __getattr__(self, key)
 |  __init__(self, **kwargs)
 |      Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
 |  __setattr__(self, key, value)
 |      Implement setattr(self, name, value).
 |  __setstate__(self, state)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors defined here:
 |  __dict__
 |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
 |  __weakref__
 |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from builtins.dict:
 |  __contains__(self, key, /)
 |      True if the dictionary has the specified key, else False.
 |  __delitem__(self, key, /)
 |      Delete self[key].
 |  __eq__(self, value, /)
 |      Return self==value.
 |  __ge__(self, value, /)
 |      Return self>=value.
 |  __getattribute__(self, name, /)
 |      Return getattr(self, name).
 |  __getitem__(...)
 |      x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y]
 |  __gt__(self, value, /)
 |      Return self>value.
 |  __iter__(self, /)
 |      Implement iter(self).
 |  __le__(self, value, /)
 |      Return self<=value.
 |  __len__(self, /)
 |      Return len(self).
 |  __lt__(self, value, /)
 |      Return self<value.
 |  __ne__(self, value, /)
 |      Return self!=value.
 |  __repr__(self, /)
 |      Return repr(self).
 |  __reversed__(self, /)
 |      Return a reverse iterator over the dict keys.
 |  __setitem__(self, key, value, /)
 |      Set self[key] to value.
 |  __sizeof__(...)
 |      D.__sizeof__() -> size of D in memory, in bytes
 |  clear(...)
 |      D.clear() -> None.  Remove all items from D.
 |  copy(...)
 |      D.copy() -> a shallow copy of D
 |  get(self, key, default=None, /)
 |      Return the value for key if key is in the dictionary, else default.
 |  items(...)
 |      D.items() -> a set-like object providing a view on D's items
 |  keys(...)
 |      D.keys() -> a set-like object providing a view on D's keys
 |  pop(...)
 |      D.pop(k[,d]) -> v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value.
 |      If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised
 |  popitem(self, /)
 |      Remove and return a (key, value) pair as a 2-tuple.
 |      Pairs are returned in LIFO (last-in, first-out) order.
 |      Raises KeyError if the dict is empty.
 |  setdefault(self, key, default=None, /)
 |      Insert key with a value of default if key is not in the dictionary.
 |      Return the value for key if key is in the dictionary, else default.
 |  update(...)
 |      D.update([E, ]**F) -> None.  Update D from dict/iterable E and F.
 |      If E is present and has a .keys() method, then does:  for k in E: D[k] = E[k]
 |      If E is present and lacks a .keys() method, then does:  for k, v in E: D[k] = v
 |      In either case, this is followed by: for k in F:  D[k] = F[k]
 |  values(...)
 |      D.values() -> an object providing a view on D's values
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Class methods inherited from builtins.dict:
 |  fromkeys(iterable, value=None, /) from builtins.type
 |      Create a new dictionary with keys from iterable and values set to value.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Static methods inherited from builtins.dict:
 |  __new__(*args, **kwargs) from builtins.type
 |      Create and return a new object.  See help(type) for accurate signature.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes inherited from builtins.dict:
 |  __hash__ = None
['DESCR', 'data', 'feature_names', 'filename', 'target']
array(['CRIM', 'ZN', 'INDUS', 'CHAS', 'NOX', 'RM', 'AGE', 'DIS', 'RAD',
       'TAX', 'PTRATIO', 'B', 'LSTAT'], dtype='<U7')
print(dataset['DESCR']) #通过这个命令可以看到解释,可以看到RM表示房间数量,是第5个特征
.. _boston_dataset:

Boston house prices dataset

**Data Set Characteristics:**  

    :Number of Instances: 506 

    :Number of Attributes: 13 numeric/categorical predictive. Median Value (attribute 14) is usually the target.

    :Attribute Information (in order):
        - CRIM     per capita crime rate by town
        - ZN       proportion of residential land zoned for lots over 25,000 sq.ft.
        - INDUS    proportion of non-retail business acres per town
        - CHAS     Charles River dummy variable (= 1 if tract bounds river; 0 otherwise)
        - NOX      nitric oxides concentration (parts per 10 million)
        - RM       average number of rooms per dwelling
        - AGE      proportion of owner-occupied units built prior to 1940
        - DIS      weighted distances to five Boston employment centres
        - RAD      index of accessibility to radial highways
        - TAX      full-value property-tax rate per $10,000
        - PTRATIO  pupil-teacher ratio by town
        - B        1000(Bk - 0.63)^2 where Bk is the proportion of blacks by town
        - LSTAT    % lower status of the population
        - MEDV     Median value of owner-occupied homes in $1000's

    :Missing Attribute Values: None

    :Creator: Harrison, D. and Rubinfeld, D.L.

This is a copy of UCI ML housing dataset.

This dataset was taken from the StatLib library which is maintained at Carnegie Mellon University.

The Boston house-price data of Harrison, D. and Rubinfeld, D.L. 'Hedonic
prices and the demand for clean air', J. Environ. Economics & Management,
vol.5, 81-102, 1978.   Used in Belsley, Kuh & Welsch, 'Regression diagnostics
...', Wiley, 1980.   N.B. Various transformations are used in the table on
pages 244-261 of the latter.

The Boston house-price data has been used in many machine learning papers that address regression
.. topic:: References

   - Belsley, Kuh & Welsch, 'Regression diagnostics: Identifying Influential Data and Sources of Collinearity', Wiley, 1980. 244-261.
   - Quinlan,R. (1993). Combining Instance-Based and Model-Based Learning. In Proceedings on the Tenth International Conference of Machine Learning, 236-243, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Morgan Kaufmann.
dataset['data'][:,5]   #房间数量是第5个特征,所以用这个命令可以看到
array([6.575, 6.421, 7.185, 6.998, 7.147, 6.43 , 6.012, 6.172, 5.631,
       6.004, 6.377, 6.009, 5.889, 5.949, 6.096, 5.834, 5.935, 5.99 ,
       5.456, 5.727, 5.57 , 5.965, 6.142, 5.813, 5.924, 5.599, 5.813,
       6.047, 6.495, 6.674, 5.713, 6.072, 5.95 , 5.701, 6.096, 5.933,
       5.841, 5.85 , 5.966, 6.595, 7.024, 6.77 , 6.169, 6.211, 6.069,
       5.682, 5.786, 6.03 , 5.399, 5.602, 5.963, 6.115, 6.511, 5.998,
       5.888, 7.249, 6.383, 6.816, 6.145, 5.927, 5.741, 5.966, 6.456,
       6.762, 7.104, 6.29 , 5.787, 5.878, 5.594, 5.885, 6.417, 5.961,
       6.065, 6.245, 6.273, 6.286, 6.279, 6.14 , 6.232, 5.874, 6.727,
       6.619, 6.302, 6.167, 6.389, 6.63 , 6.015, 6.121, 7.007, 7.079,
       6.417, 6.405, 6.442, 6.211, 6.249, 6.625, 6.163, 8.069, 7.82 ,
       7.416, 6.727, 6.781, 6.405, 6.137, 6.167, 5.851, 5.836, 6.127,
       6.474, 6.229, 6.195, 6.715, 5.913, 6.092, 6.254, 5.928, 6.176,
       6.021, 5.872, 5.731, 5.87 , 6.004, 5.961, 5.856, 5.879, 5.986,
       5.613, 5.693, 6.431, 5.637, 6.458, 6.326, 6.372, 5.822, 5.757,
       6.335, 5.942, 6.454, 5.857, 6.151, 6.174, 5.019, 5.403, 5.468,
       4.903, 6.13 , 5.628, 4.926, 5.186, 5.597, 6.122, 5.404, 5.012,
       5.709, 6.129, 6.152, 5.272, 6.943, 6.066, 6.51 , 6.25 , 7.489,
       7.802, 8.375, 5.854, 6.101, 7.929, 5.877, 6.319, 6.402, 5.875,
       5.88 , 5.572, 6.416, 5.859, 6.546, 6.02 , 6.315, 6.86 , 6.98 ,
       7.765, 6.144, 7.155, 6.563, 5.604, 6.153, 7.831, 6.782, 6.556,
       7.185, 6.951, 6.739, 7.178, 6.8  , 6.604, 7.875, 7.287, 7.107,
       7.274, 6.975, 7.135, 6.162, 7.61 , 7.853, 8.034, 5.891, 6.326,
       5.783, 6.064, 5.344, 5.96 , 5.404, 5.807, 6.375, 5.412, 6.182,
       5.888, 6.642, 5.951, 6.373, 6.951, 6.164, 6.879, 6.618, 8.266,
       8.725, 8.04 , 7.163, 7.686, 6.552, 5.981, 7.412, 8.337, 8.247,
       6.726, 6.086, 6.631, 7.358, 6.481, 6.606, 6.897, 6.095, 6.358,
       6.393, 5.593, 5.605, 6.108, 6.226, 6.433, 6.718, 6.487, 6.438,
       6.957, 8.259, 6.108, 5.876, 7.454, 8.704, 7.333, 6.842, 7.203,
       7.52 , 8.398, 7.327, 7.206, 5.56 , 7.014, 8.297, 7.47 , 5.92 ,
       5.856, 6.24 , 6.538, 7.691, 6.758, 6.854, 7.267, 6.826, 6.482,
       6.812, 7.82 , 6.968, 7.645, 7.923, 7.088, 6.453, 6.23 , 6.209,
       6.315, 6.565, 6.861, 7.148, 6.63 , 6.127, 6.009, 6.678, 6.549,
       5.79 , 6.345, 7.041, 6.871, 6.59 , 6.495, 6.982, 7.236, 6.616,
       7.42 , 6.849, 6.635, 5.972, 4.973, 6.122, 6.023, 6.266, 6.567,
       5.705, 5.914, 5.782, 6.382, 6.113, 6.426, 6.376, 6.041, 5.708,
       6.415, 6.431, 6.312, 6.083, 5.868, 6.333, 6.144, 5.706, 6.031,
       6.316, 6.31 , 6.037, 5.869, 5.895, 6.059, 5.985, 5.968, 7.241,
       6.54 , 6.696, 6.874, 6.014, 5.898, 6.516, 6.635, 6.939, 6.49 ,
       6.579, 5.884, 6.728, 5.663, 5.936, 6.212, 6.395, 6.127, 6.112,
       6.398, 6.251, 5.362, 5.803, 8.78 , 3.561, 4.963, 3.863, 4.97 ,
       6.683, 7.016, 6.216, 5.875, 4.906, 4.138, 7.313, 6.649, 6.794,
       6.38 , 6.223, 6.968, 6.545, 5.536, 5.52 , 4.368, 5.277, 4.652,
       5.   , 4.88 , 5.39 , 5.713, 6.051, 5.036, 6.193, 5.887, 6.471,
       6.405, 5.747, 5.453, 5.852, 5.987, 6.343, 6.404, 5.349, 5.531,
       5.683, 4.138, 5.608, 5.617, 6.852, 5.757, 6.657, 4.628, 5.155,
       4.519, 6.434, 6.782, 5.304, 5.957, 6.824, 6.411, 6.006, 5.648,
       6.103, 5.565, 5.896, 5.837, 6.202, 6.193, 6.38 , 6.348, 6.833,
       6.425, 6.436, 6.208, 6.629, 6.461, 6.152, 5.935, 5.627, 5.818,
       6.406, 6.219, 6.485, 5.854, 6.459, 6.341, 6.251, 6.185, 6.417,
       6.749, 6.655, 6.297, 7.393, 6.728, 6.525, 5.976, 5.936, 6.301,
       6.081, 6.701, 6.376, 6.317, 6.513, 6.209, 5.759, 5.952, 6.003,
       5.926, 5.713, 6.167, 6.229, 6.437, 6.98 , 5.427, 6.162, 6.484,
       5.304, 6.185, 6.229, 6.242, 6.75 , 7.061, 5.762, 5.871, 6.312,
       6.114, 5.905, 5.454, 5.414, 5.093, 5.983, 5.983, 5.707, 5.926,
       5.67 , 5.39 , 5.794, 6.019, 5.569, 6.027, 6.593, 6.12 , 6.976,
       6.794, 6.03 ])

Step2: Define the problem

Assuming you were a real state salesperson in Boston. Given some description data about a real state => Its price.

import pandas as pd   #为了处理数据方便,使用pandas

Pandas = Panel Data set

dataframe = pd.DataFrame(dataset['data'])
len(dataframe)  #dataframe一共有多少组数据

506 rows × 13 columns

dataframe.columns = dataset['feature_names']  #这组数据特征没有名字,通过这个命令把名字输入

506 rows × 13 columns

dataframe['price'] = dataset['target']

506 rows × 14 columns

Question: What’s the most significant(salient) feature of the house price?

%matplotlib inline
dataframe.corr()   #pandas中比较简单的东西,correlation

Step3: 解决问题

Correlation: 相关性

  • 可取-1到1,线性相关
  • -1:y = -kx+b
  • 1:y = kx+b
import seaborn as sns  #可视化工具
sns.heatmap(dataframe.corr(), annot=True, fmt='.2f')  #越接近黑色表示负相关,越接近红色表示正相关





X_rm = dataframe['RM'].values
Y = dataframe['price'].values
rm_to_price = {r: y for r,y in zip(X_rm,Y)}   #做一个字典映射
{6.575: 24.0,
 6.421: 21.6,
 7.185: 34.9,
 6.998: 33.4,
 7.147: 36.2,
 6.43: 28.7,
 6.012: 22.9,
 6.172: 27.1,
 5.631: 16.5,
 6.004: 20.3,
 6.377: 15.0,
 6.009: 21.7,
 5.889: 21.7,
 5.949: 20.4,
 6.096: 13.5,
 5.834: 19.9,
 5.935: 8.4,
 5.99: 17.5,
 5.456: 20.2,
 5.727: 18.2,
 5.57: 13.6,
 5.965: 19.6,
 6.142: 15.2,
 5.813: 16.6,
 5.924: 15.6,
 5.599: 13.9,
 6.047: 14.8,
 6.495: 26.4,
 6.674: 21.0,
 5.713: 20.1,
 6.072: 14.5,
 5.95: 13.2,
 5.701: 13.1,
 5.933: 18.9,
 5.841: 20.0,
 5.85: 21.0,
 5.966: 16.0,
 6.595: 30.8,
 7.024: 34.9,
 6.77: 26.6,
 6.169: 25.3,
 6.211: 25.0,
 6.069: 21.2,
 5.682: 19.3,
 5.786: 20.0,
 6.03: 11.9,
 5.399: 14.4,
 5.602: 19.4,
 5.963: 19.7,
 6.115: 20.5,
 6.511: 25.0,
 5.998: 23.4,
 5.888: 23.3,
 7.249: 35.4,
 6.383: 24.7,
 6.816: 31.6,
 6.145: 23.3,
 5.927: 19.6,
 5.741: 18.7,
 6.456: 22.2,
 6.762: 25.0,
 7.104: 33.0,
 6.29: 23.5,
 5.787: 19.4,
 5.878: 22.0,
 5.594: 17.4,
 5.885: 20.9,
 6.417: 13.0,
 5.961: 20.5,
 6.065: 22.8,
 6.245: 23.4,
 6.273: 24.1,
 6.286: 21.4,
 6.279: 20.0,
 6.14: 20.8,
 6.232: 21.2,
 5.874: 20.3,
 6.727: 27.5,
 6.619: 23.9,
 6.302: 24.8,
 6.167: 19.9,
 6.389: 23.9,
 6.63: 27.9,
 6.015: 22.5,
 6.121: 22.2,
 7.007: 23.6,
 7.079: 28.7,
 6.405: 12.5,
 6.442: 22.9,
 6.249: 20.6,
 6.625: 28.4,
 6.163: 21.4,
 8.069: 38.7,
 7.82: 45.4,
 7.416: 33.2,
 6.781: 26.5,
 6.137: 19.3,
 5.851: 19.5,
 5.836: 19.5,
 6.127: 22.7,
 6.474: 19.8,
 6.229: 21.4,
 6.195: 21.7,
 6.715: 22.8,
 5.913: 18.8,
 6.092: 18.7,
 6.254: 18.5,
 5.928: 18.3,
 6.176: 21.2,
 6.021: 19.2,
 5.872: 20.4,
 5.731: 19.3,
 5.87: 22.0,
 5.856: 21.1,
 5.879: 18.8,
 5.986: 21.4,
 5.613: 15.7,
 5.693: 16.2,
 6.431: 24.6,
 5.637: 14.3,
 6.458: 19.2,
 6.326: 24.4,
 6.372: 23.0,
 5.822: 18.4,
 5.757: 15.0,
 6.335: 18.1,
 5.942: 17.4,
 6.454: 17.1,
 5.857: 13.3,
 6.151: 17.8,
 6.174: 14.0,
 5.019: 14.4,
 5.403: 13.4,
 5.468: 15.6,
 4.903: 11.8,
 6.13: 13.8,
 5.628: 15.6,
 4.926: 14.6,
 5.186: 17.8,
 5.597: 15.4,
 6.122: 22.1,
 5.404: 19.3,
 5.012: 15.3,
 5.709: 19.4,
 6.129: 17.0,
 6.152: 8.7,
 5.272: 13.1,
 6.943: 41.3,
 6.066: 24.3,
 6.51: 23.3,
 6.25: 27.0,
 7.489: 50.0,
 7.802: 50.0,
 8.375: 50.0,
 5.854: 10.8,
 6.101: 25.0,
 7.929: 50.0,
 5.877: 23.8,
 6.319: 23.8,
 6.402: 22.3,
 5.875: 50.0,
 5.88: 19.1,
 5.572: 23.1,
 6.416: 23.6,
 5.859: 22.6,
 6.546: 29.4,
 6.02: 23.2,
 6.315: 22.3,
 6.86: 29.9,
 6.98: 29.8,
 7.765: 39.8,
 6.144: 19.8,
 7.155: 37.9,
 6.563: 32.5,
 5.604: 26.4,
 6.153: 29.6,
 7.831: 50.0,
 6.782: 7.5,
 6.556: 29.8,
 6.951: 26.7,
 6.739: 30.5,
 7.178: 36.4,
 6.8: 31.1,
 6.604: 29.1,
 7.875: 50.0,
 7.287: 33.3,
 7.107: 30.3,
 7.274: 34.6,
 6.975: 34.9,
 7.135: 32.9,
 6.162: 13.3,
 7.61: 42.3,
 7.853: 48.5,
 8.034: 50.0,
 5.891: 22.6,
 5.783: 22.5,
 6.064: 24.4,
 5.344: 20.0,
 5.96: 21.7,
 5.807: 22.4,
 6.375: 28.1,
 5.412: 23.7,
 6.182: 25.0,
 6.642: 28.7,
 5.951: 21.5,
 6.373: 23.0,
 6.164: 21.7,
 6.879: 27.5,
 6.618: 30.1,
 8.266: 44.8,
 8.725: 50.0,
 8.04: 37.6,
 7.163: 31.6,
 7.686: 46.7,
 6.552: 31.5,
 5.981: 24.3,
 7.412: 31.7,
 8.337: 41.7,
 8.247: 48.3,
 6.726: 29.0,
 6.086: 24.0,
 6.631: 25.1,
 7.358: 31.5,
 6.481: 23.7,
 6.606: 23.3,
 6.897: 22.0,
 6.095: 20.1,
 6.358: 22.2,
 6.393: 23.7,
 5.593: 17.6,
 5.605: 18.5,
 6.108: 21.9,
 6.226: 20.5,
 6.433: 24.5,
 6.718: 26.2,
 6.487: 24.4,
 6.438: 24.8,
 6.957: 29.6,
 8.259: 42.8,
 5.876: 20.9,
 7.454: 44.0,
 8.704: 50.0,
 7.333: 36.0,
 6.842: 30.1,
 7.203: 33.8,
 7.52: 43.1,
 8.398: 48.8,
 7.327: 31.0,
 7.206: 36.5,
 5.56: 22.8,
 7.014: 30.7,
 8.297: 50.0,
 7.47: 43.5,
 5.92: 20.7,
 6.24: 25.2,
 6.538: 24.4,
 7.691: 35.2,
 6.758: 32.4,
 6.854: 32.0,
 7.267: 33.2,
 6.826: 33.1,
 6.482: 29.1,
 6.812: 35.1,
 6.968: 10.4,
 7.645: 46.0,
 7.923: 50.0,
 7.088: 32.2,
 6.453: 22.0,
 6.23: 20.1,
 6.209: 21.4,
 6.565: 24.8,
 6.861: 28.5,
 7.148: 37.3,
 6.678: 28.6,
 6.549: 27.1,
 5.79: 20.3,
 6.345: 22.5,
 7.041: 29.0,
 6.871: 24.8,
 6.59: 22.0,
 6.982: 33.1,
 7.236: 36.1,
 6.616: 28.4,
 7.42: 33.4,
 6.849: 28.2,
 6.635: 24.5,
 5.972: 20.3,
 4.973: 16.1,
 6.023: 19.4,
 6.266: 21.6,
 6.567: 23.8,
 5.705: 16.2,
 5.914: 17.8,
 5.782: 19.8,
 6.382: 23.1,
 6.113: 21.0,
 6.426: 23.8,
 6.376: 17.7,
 6.041: 20.4,
 5.708: 18.5,
 6.415: 25.0,
 6.312: 21.2,
 6.083: 22.2,
 5.868: 19.3,
 6.333: 22.6,
 5.706: 17.1,
 6.031: 19.4,
 6.316: 22.2,
 6.31: 20.7,
 6.037: 21.1,
 5.869: 19.5,
 5.895: 18.5,
 6.059: 20.6,
 5.985: 19.0,
 5.968: 18.7,
 7.241: 32.7,
 6.54: 16.5,
 6.696: 23.9,
 6.874: 31.2,
 6.014: 17.5,
 5.898: 17.2,
 6.516: 23.1,
 6.939: 26.6,
 6.49: 22.9,
 6.579: 24.1,
 5.884: 18.6,
 6.728: 14.9,
 5.663: 18.2,
 5.936: 13.5,
 6.212: 17.8,
 6.395: 21.7,
 6.112: 22.6,
 6.398: 25.0,
 6.251: 12.6,
 5.362: 20.8,
 5.803: 16.8,
 8.78: 21.9,
 3.561: 27.5,
 4.963: 21.9,
 3.863: 23.1,
 4.97: 50.0,
 6.683: 50.0,
 7.016: 50.0,
 6.216: 50.0,
 4.906: 13.8,
 4.138: 11.9,
 7.313: 15.0,
 6.649: 13.9,
 6.794: 22.0,
 6.38: 9.5,
 6.223: 10.2,
 6.545: 10.9,
 5.536: 11.3,
 5.52: 12.3,
 4.368: 8.8,
 5.277: 7.2,
 4.652: 10.5,
 5.0: 7.4,
 4.88: 10.2,
 5.39: 19.7,
 6.051: 23.2,
 5.036: 9.7,
 6.193: 11.0,
 5.887: 12.7,
 6.471: 13.1,
 5.747: 8.5,
 5.453: 5.0,
 5.852: 6.3,
 5.987: 5.6,
 6.343: 7.2,
 6.404: 12.1,
 5.349: 8.3,
 5.531: 8.5,
 5.683: 5.0,
 5.608: 27.9,
 5.617: 17.2,
 6.852: 27.5,
 6.657: 17.2,
 4.628: 17.9,
 5.155: 16.3,
 4.519: 7.0,
 6.434: 7.2,
 5.304: 12.0,
 5.957: 8.8,
 6.824: 8.4,
 6.411: 16.7,
 6.006: 14.2,
 5.648: 20.8,
 6.103: 13.4,
 5.565: 11.7,
 5.896: 8.3,
 5.837: 10.2,
 6.202: 10.9,
 6.348: 14.5,
 6.833: 14.1,
 6.425: 16.1,
 6.436: 14.3,
 6.208: 11.7,
 6.629: 13.4,
 6.461: 9.6,
 5.627: 12.8,
 5.818: 10.5,
 6.406: 17.1,
 6.219: 18.4,
 6.485: 15.4,
 6.459: 11.8,
 6.341: 14.9,
 6.185: 14.6,
 6.749: 13.4,
 6.655: 15.2,
 6.297: 16.1,
 7.393: 17.8,
 6.525: 14.1,
 5.976: 12.7,
 6.301: 14.9,
 6.081: 20.0,
 6.701: 16.4,
 6.317: 19.5,
 6.513: 20.2,
 5.759: 19.9,
 5.952: 19.0,
 6.003: 19.1,
 5.926: 24.5,
 6.437: 23.2,
 5.427: 13.8,
 6.484: 16.7,
 6.242: 23.0,
 6.75: 23.7,
 7.061: 25.0,
 5.762: 21.8,
 5.871: 20.6,
 6.114: 19.1,
 5.905: 20.6,
 5.454: 15.2,
 5.414: 7.0,
 5.093: 8.1,
 5.983: 20.1,
 5.707: 21.8,
 5.67: 23.1,
 5.794: 18.3,
 6.019: 21.2,
 5.569: 17.5,
 6.027: 16.8,
 6.593: 22.4,
 6.12: 20.6,
 6.976: 23.9}
rm_to_price[6.421]  #查询卧室数6.421时卖多少钱
rm_to_pirce[7]    #数据中没有7,无法查询价格

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)

<ipython-input-48-6a5607440deb> in <module>
----> 1 rm_to_pirce[7]

NameError: name 'rm_to_pirce' is not defined
import numpy as np
person_and_age = {
    'A周杰伦': 40,
    'B刘德华': 60,
    'C蔡徐坤': 25
[('A周杰伦', 40), ('B刘德华', 60), ('C蔡徐坤', 25)]
sorted(person_and_age)  #直接进行排序发现是按ABC排序的
['A周杰伦', 'B刘德华', 'C蔡徐坤']
def get_first_item(element):
    return element[1]
sorted(person_and_age.items(), key=get_first_item)   #如果想以年龄排序,加上items
[('C蔡徐坤', 25), ('A周杰伦', 40), ('B刘德华', 60)]
sorted(person_and_age.items(), key=lambda element:element[1])  #因为这个例子比较简单,也可以改为匿名函数
[('C蔡徐坤', 25), ('A周杰伦', 40), ('B刘德华', 60)]
[age for name, age in sorted(person_and_age.items(), key=lambda e:e[1])[:2]] #获得最小的两个年龄
[25, 40]
np.mean([age for name, age in sorted(person_and_age.items(), key=lambda e:e[1])[:2]]) #获得最小的两个年龄并求平均值
def find_price_by_similar(history_price,query_x, topn=3):  
    most_similar_items = sorted(history_price.items(),key = lambda x_y:(x_y[0] - query_x)**2)[:topn]
    most_similar_prices = [price for rm, price in most_similar_items]
    average_prices = np.mean(most_similar_prices)
    return average_prices

MIT 计算机系一句名言:代码是给人看的,偶尔运行一下


K-Neighbor-Nearest = > KNN



KNN算法的缺点:当数据量很大的时候,对已有数据进行遍历需要很长时间。我们把这样的算法叫Lazy Learning.


More Efficient Learning Way

如果我们能够找到X_rm和 y之间的函数关系,我们每次要计算的时候,输入给这个函数,就能直接获得预测值


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x7ffbe2a7b3d0>


Step4: 评判标准——什么叫做好?

real_y = [3,6,7]
y_hats = [3,4,7]
y_hats_2 = [3,6,6]

Loss函数(今天课程的loss函数叫做 Mean Squared Error:MSE)

\[loss(y,\hat{y}) = \frac{1}{N} {\sum_{i \in N}(y_i - \hat{y_i})^2}\]
def loss(y, yhat):
    return np.mean((np.array(y)-np.array(yhat)) ** 2)


  1. 我们直接用微积分的方法做计算 (当函数极其复杂时,用微积分无法求导得极值)

  2. 我们用随机模拟的方法来做

 import random
VAR_MAX,VAR_MIN = 100, -100
k, b = random.randint(VAR_MIN,VAR_MAX),random.randint(VAR_MIN,VAR_MAX)
k,b #每次运行都会有一个随机值
(87, 18)
total_times = 500    #总共尝试500次
min_loss = float('inf')   #最好的loss无穷大
best_k,best_b = None, None
for t in range(total_times):
    k, b = random.randint(VAR_MIN,VAR_MAX),random.randint(VAR_MIN,VAR_MAX)
    loss_ = loss(Y,X_rm*k+b)
    if loss_ < min_loss:
        min_loss = loss_
        best_k, best_b = k,b

观察得到:In the begining, the updating is more frequent

When time passed by, the updating will be more and more difficult.


\[k^{'} = k + (-1)\cdot\frac{\partial loss}{\partial k}\alpha\]

解释一下:在一个二维空间里loss-k的函数中,我们求导数,得到导数大于0,就在k的左侧再取下一个k;得到导数小于0,就在k的右侧取下一个k。这里的$ \alpha $是一个很小的数,相当于我们每次都移动一小步。b的估计也可以同理得到。


梯度下降:在二维情况下,我们求的是导数,在多维情况下,就是梯度(Gradient Descent)。

\[loss = \frac{1}{n}\sum (y_i - (kx_i + b))^2\] \[\frac{\partial loss}{\partial k} = \frac{2}{n}\sum(y_i - (kx_i + b))\cdot(-x_i)\] \[\frac{\partial loss}{\partial b} = \frac{2}{n}\sum(y_i - (kx_i + b))\cdot(-1)\]
def partial_k(x,y,k_n,b_n):
    return 2 * np.mean((y - (k_n * x + b_n)) * (-x))

def partial_b(x,y,k_n,b_n):
    return 2 * np.mean((y - (k_n * x + b_n)) * (-1))
VAR_MAX,VAR_MIN = 100, -100
k, b = random.randint(VAR_MIN,VAR_MAX),random.randint(VAR_MIN,VAR_MAX)

k_b_history = []

total_times = 2000    #总共尝试1000次
min_loss = float('inf')   #最好的loss无穷大
best_k,best_b = None, None
alpha = 1e-2
for t in range(total_times):
    k = k + (-1) * partial_k(X_rm,Y,k,b) * alpha
    b = b + (-1) * partial_b(X_rm,Y,k,b) * alpha
    loss_ = loss(Y,X_rm*k+b)
    if loss_ < min_loss:
        min_loss = loss_
        best_k, best_b = k,b
CPU times: user 139 ms, sys: 4.06 ms, total: 143 ms
Wall time: 146 ms



plt.scatter(X_rm,best_k * X_rm + best_b)
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x7ffbe31fdf40>


test_0 = 0
test_1 = 10
test_2 = 100
test_3 = 500
test_4 = -1
plt.scatter(X_rm,k_b_history[test_0][0] * X_rm + k_b_history[test_0][1],color='orange')
plt.scatter(X_rm,k_b_history[test_1][0] * X_rm + k_b_history[test_1][1],color='yellow')
plt.scatter(X_rm,k_b_history[test_2][0] * X_rm + k_b_history[test_2][1],color='red')
plt.scatter(X_rm,k_b_history[test_3][0] * X_rm + k_b_history[test_3][1],color='black')
plt.scatter(X_rm,k_b_history[test_4][0] * X_rm + k_b_history[test_4][1],color='purple')
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x7ffbe32f6c10>



best_k * 6 + best_b  #用梯度下降的方法得到的预测值
find_price_by_similar(rm_to_price,6) #用knn算法得到的预测值以及运行时间
CPU times: user 692 µs, sys: 7 µs, total: 699 µs
Wall time: 704 µs




  • 什么叫做相关性,通过相关性如何得到最显著的特征

  • 什么叫做机器学习

  • 什么是knn模型

  • 通过随机迭代的方法获得最优值(蒙特卡罗模拟)

  • 什么是loss函数,loss函数能干什么

  • 梯度下降怎么形成的?

  • 展示梯度下降的效果


  1. 如何拟合更加复杂的函数?

  2. 什么叫做激活函数(Activation Function)?

  3. 什么是神经网络(Neural Network)?

  4. 什么是深度学习(Deep Learning)?

  5. 什么是反向传播(Back Propogation)?

  6. 怎样实现自动反向传播(Auto-Back propogation)?

  7. 如何利用拓扑排序(Topologiccal Sorting)让计算机自动进行梯度计算和偏导(Auto-Compute Gradient)?




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